*New* Spam filters in version 2.1 check 400 additional spam characteristics.
*New* "Collect Duplicate Subjects..." option under the "Utilities" menu to place candidates for custom spam filters into the Log window.
*Fixed* Possible to open EMM to a blank window if no Eudora addressbooks were present, or if the Email Magician Setup Assistant had been removed from the EMM Items folder.
Version 2.0 (December 9, 2002)
*New* The Email Magician Setup Assistant. You are strongly urged to use this Setup Assistant the first time you run Email Magician. Besides configuring the main areas of the program, the Setup Assistant has been designed to teach you about Email Magician while you use it: you will learn all about the program's operation while you are configuring it. In the future, you can access the Setup Assistant from the Apple Menu or the Help menu to the far right of Email Magician's menus.
Version 1.9.11 (November 14, 2002)
*New* Many new Spam Filter conditions.
*New* Preference to execute "Urgent Filters before "Before All" filters (default = enabled)
*New* "Reset" button next to the "Revert" button. Formerly, you had to click the "Revert" button with the command key pressed to reset it.
"Enhanced" The "Check for update" menu option (under the "Help" menu).
*Changed* Default location of HTML filters is now "After all other filters."
*Changed* Default location of Valid Accounts filters is now "After “After All” filters."
*Fixed* Duplicate Filter Check from Preferences.
Version 1.9.10 (October 30, 2002)
*New* 150 new Spam Filter conditions.
*New* Menu option: "Load SpamDefs AND Replace Spam Filters…" under the "Special" menu. This lets you select a SpamDefs file, update your SpamDefs, and replace your existing Spam Filters (in Eudora), all with one menu selection. It means that future updates of your Spam Filters will not require downloading the entire application.
*New* Options to update "Factory Spam Defaults." When you choose the menu option above, or when you export your current SpamDefs (by clicking the "Import" button while pressing the command key).
*New* "Before All" filters and "After All" filters are now named and numbered accordingly if those attributes are assigned in the Filter Info palette. This also effects the "After All" filters on the Special Handling pane of the Preferences window.
*Enhanced* More PC file extensions included in special filter defaults.
*Changed* Spam Filter Maker Font and Spam Editing Tools menus are now separate (before, you accessed the Spam Editing Tools menu by pressing the Font menu with the option key down.
Version 1.9.9d (September 29, 2002)
*Enhanced* The hilited lines of the AddressBook nicknames field in the Special Filters window are now remembered from launch to launch (this enhancement is purely cosmetic and has no effect on program operation).
*Fixed* Some occasional printing problems
Version 1.9.9c (September 26, 2002)
Version 1.9.9bc repairs the "Registration" menu item.
*Fixed* "Registration" menu item, was only working in the new "Clipboard" mode.
Version 1.9.9b (September 24, 2002)
Version 1.9.9b Simplifies Registration and adds new Maintenance options. Last change to purchase Email Magician at the original price before the price is raised in version 2.0 (registered users will be upgraded to 2.0 for free).
*New* Selecting "Registration" from any of the menus (or the button on the main screen) when you have the "Registration Code email" on the clipboard (or simply the three lines giving the challenge phrase, user name, and registration code), then the entire registration process will be taken care of automatically. This complements the new "Turbo Registration" menu options.
*New* In the Matinenance window: New option (for registered users) to clear the Eudora Log. Naturally, this option is applicable only to users who have enabled Eudora's logging features.
*New* In the Matinenance window: New option (for registered users) to clear the PC Attachements folder. This optioon is available only if you have used Email Magician to create a PC Attachments Filter.
*Enhanced* In the Matinenance window: The exclusion list for boxes that have been unmodified for a specified length of time is now maintained until either the "Archive Boxes Unmodified..." button is clicked with the optionkey pressed, or the associated latch is clicked with the optionkey pressed. It is maintained between sessions as well.
*Enhanced* In the Matinenance window: The exclusion list for empty boxes is now maintained until either the "Delete Empty Mailboxes" button is clicked with the optionkey pressed, or the associated latch is clicked with the optionkey pressed. It is maintained between sessions as well.
*Enhanced* More actions are recorded in the log file (mainly more folder and file creations).
*Fixed* Obscure problem doing a normal Quit if the Log preferences were set (in Preferences) to displayed in the Log window and this window was open. Note that even in this case, a "Quick Quit" was always possible (selecting "Quit" with the optionkey pressed).
Version 1.9.9a (September 17, 2002)
*New* Turbo Registration option has been moved to both the Apple Menu, the Windows menu, and the Help menu to assist people in registering more quickly.
*Fixed* Occasional failure to change the Urgent Filter mailbox from its default.
*Fixed* Clearing of the lowest field in the Urgent Filter Preview window (cosmetic effect only).
Version 1.9.9 (September 16, 2002)
*Enhanced* Getting ValidAccounts, ValidAccountsExclusions, and InValidAccounts from Eudora no longer ignores addresses enclosed in "<>" if an unenclosed copy is not found.
*Enhanced* Getting Personalities now presents option to Replace or Merge (in Valid Accounts list).
*Changed* Special Filters window: name of "Get from Eudora" button changed to "Get from Nickname"
*Fixed* Occasional failure of the "Personalities" button in the Special Filters window.
Version 1.9.8 (September 13, 2002)
*Fixed* some spelling errors
Version 1.9.7 (September 12, 2002)
Version 1.9.7 fine-tunes Spam Filters and Valid Accounts Filters.
*New* Option to split the three Valid Accounts filters. Checking the "Split" checkbox will place the first Valid Accounts filter after all other filters. The other two will be placed according to the placement menu setting (although the default placement has been changed). Default placement of Valid Accounts filters is now after Urgent Filters.
*Enhanced* "Overflow" in the Existing Filters or Existing Mailboxes fields, now automatically toggles the display of filter and box counts (as if you had selected it from the View menu).
*Changed* Valid Accounts filter 2 still traps empty "To:" headers, but now does so differently (resulting in fewer false positives).
*Fixed* Some spam filters that were "too" sensitive and resulted in false positives
*Fixed* Some rare disappearances of the menubar. If this ever happens, just press comman-tilde to re-open the main window which will also re-install the menubar. Alternatively, press command-M to open the Maintenance window.
Version 1.9.6 (September 11, 2002)
*New* Valid Accounts filter options. It is now possible to specify sender addresses to be ignored by the Valid Accounts filter. Further, you can maintain a list of INVALID accounts that will always be trapped for your Invalid Accounts mailbox or trash. New instant update options for the Valid Accounts filters too. The three Valid Accounts filters now default to being placed before all other filters. In some situations, you may want to specify that these are moved farther down the filter list.
*New* The Valid Accounts filter now catches messages with an empty or missing "To:" field.
*Enhanced* "Spam Definitions" editing menus (available in the Spam Filter Maker window by holding the option key down while pressing on the Font menu arrow) now includes new options: Clear OR's, Sort Field, Add Clipboard, Merge Clipboard, Replace with Clipboard, Delete Dupes, Add OR's, Save State, Revert to Saved, and Load from SpamDefs File. The latter loads only the specified SpamDefs field under the current popup menu. Note that all four SpamDefs fields have their "states" saved at each launch of Email Magician, or when the "Save State" option is selected from the popup menu.
*Enhanced* Some new spam filter conditions added.
*Fixed* Special Filters window is once again a palette
*Fixed* When a condition specifies that a header "Does not appear" that fact is now correctly displayed in the filter info palettes.
Version 1.9.5 (September 10, 2002)
*New* More than 350 new Spam Conditions are checked for.
*New* "Spam Definitions" editing menus now available in the Spam Filter Maker window. Hold the option key down while pressing on the Font menu popup triangle to access the new menus (these features will be developed further).
*Enhanced* The Valid Accounts filter will now ignore addresses found in a group nickname called "ValidAccountsExclusions." Further, the Valid Accounts filter no longer checks the "Cc:" field when considering a message for filtering.
*Fixed* The "Existing Nicknames" display would get off by one when associating an email address with a nickname if there was no nickname assigned to it in Eudora. This had no damaging effects as the Eudora addressbook always remained correct. However, it was annoying and has been fixed.
*Fixed* A mispelling in the Turbo Registration message.
Version 1.9.4 (June 25, 2002)
(minor bug fix)
Version 1.9.3 (June 21, 2002)
*Enhanced* Deleting Filters Targetting Missing (or Empty) boxes from the Maintenance window now also checks for filters that copy instead of just filters that transfer.
*Enhanced* Maintenance window options that deal with EMM-created boxes and folders now "understand" that they are dealing with EMM-created items and take appropriate action.
*Enhanced* Opening the current filter file into the Log window now asks if you want to suppress the display of spam filters (if any).
*Changed* The first item of the Statistics window (number of current filters) now always includes spam filters in the filter count (formerly, it would only include spam filters if spam filters were being displayed in the existing filter summary field of the main window, and item that is possible to toggle in the Preferences).
*Changed* The name of the default folder containing nickname boxes created in the Maintenance window has been changed from "EMMnicknameBoxes" to "EMM NicknameBoxes" (note the added space).
Version 1.9.2 (June 20, 2002)
*New* "Before All" check box in both the "Filter Info" palette and the "New Filter Info" palette. This works like the existing "After All" check box next to it. The only filters that might be placed before a filter so marked, would be an Urgent Filter or a Special Filter designated to be "Before All Other Filters."
*New* "After All" and "Before All" status of filters is now maintained from session to session.
*New* More checking for malformed addresses (that might choke EM) prior to making nicknames.
*New* "Aqua-like" background option in the General Preferences.
*Enhanced* The Existing Mailbox Info palette now reports whether or not a box is empty as well as reporting the mailbox file size (empty boxes don't necessarilly have a 0-bytes file size).
*Enhanced* It is now possible to direct Spammer Address filters and X-Header filters to the designated "Possible Spam" box.
*Enhanced* Unregistered users can now write 21 filters the first time they use the software (with the addition of the bonus default spam address filter), and somewhat less on succeeding days (depending upon how one fanagles the settings).
Version 1.9.1 (June 7, 2002)
*New* History List file is now included in automatic backups.
*Enhanced* Obtaining existing filter information has been greatly sped up (by at least a factor of 400%).
Version 1.9.0 (June 6, 2002)
*New* Automatic creation of "History List" filters, boxes, and nicknames. Includes extensive options for management of the Eudora History List. See the lower right of the fully expanded Special Filters window.
*New* Naming Conventions Preferences panel lets you exclude certain characters from the generated names of mailboxes and nicknames.
*New* Option to "Search for pre-existing box of same name" before creating a new mailbox (possibly in a different folder). This option is on the "Customize" panel of the Preferences window.
*New* Email Magician now checks for the presence of a 3rd-party accelerator card (or dual processor) and switches to the alternate registration algorithm if one is detected. Formerly, the user had to expressly inform the program if an accelerator (or dual processor) was present.
*Enhanced* Duplicate filter checking has been made quicker. There are additional duplicate filter checking options in the General Preferences.
*Enhanced* Registered users may now add conditions to the "Spam Special Header" filters. See lower right of the fully expanded Spam Filter Maker window.
*Enhanced* Unregistered users can now write 20 filters per day (with the addition of the first of the new History List filters).
*Enhanced* New nicknames are now sorted in the "New Nicknames" field.
*Enhanced* New mailboxes are now sorted in the "New Mailboxes" field.
Version 1.8.6 (May 31, 2002)
*New* Many new status messages during lengthy processes.
*New* Utilities menu allows you to collect email addresses from any file. Also offers stripping HTML from any file (including mailboxes).
*New* Option to "Strip Duplicate Filters Now" found under the Options menu and also as a button on the General Preferences window.
*Enhanced* Sped up duplicate filter checking immensely.
Version 1.8.5 (May 27, 2002)
*New* "Instant Update" option for the Spammer address group nickname (by way of the "iU" button) Alternatively,. click on the label "Spammer Address Collection" while pressing the command-key to instantly update your Spammer nickname in Eudora to reflect what is in Email Magician's Spammer address field.
*New* "Instant Update" option for the Valid Accounts address group nickname (by way of the "iU" button) Alternatively,. click on the label "Spammer Address Collection" while pressing the command-key to instantly update your Valid Accounts nickname in Eudora to reflect what is in Email Magician's Valid Accounts field.
*New* "Open Current Filter File" option under the File menu will display the currently active filter file in the "Log" window.
*New* "Open..." option under the File meny will now open any Eudora filter file.
*New* "Strip Special Filters" menu item under the Special menu.
*New* Unregistered users can now write 19 filters per day -- increased from 15 (the increase comes about from adding the Spammer address filter, the Valid Accounts filter, and the first of each of the four spam filter blocks).
*Enhanced* All types of duplicate filter checking now uses the "Strict," "Loose," or "Loosest" setting (from Preferences).
*Enhanced* "Valid Accounts" filter now adds bracketed address formats.
Version 1.8 (May 16, 2002)
*New* "Customize" Preferences Panel. Contains option to disable the auto-creation of certain boxes and folders that would otherwise be automatically created by Email Magician. Contains option to delete those items. Also contains options to selectively ignore addresses in Cc:, Bcc:, and Reply-to: fields, as well as multi-name addresses, and invalid accounts when generating filters.
*New* Maintenance Window option to create filters for existing mailboxes that don't already have filters targeting them. This is for new users who may have an existing set of mailboxes that they have been manually filtering into by way of the Transfer menu or by dragging individual items. You may ignore mailboxes that haven't received mail in a specified time. You may also choose to scan for "From:" addresses in each potential box and take a specified number of top scores that will make multiple filters targeting the same box.
*New* "Check for update" option (under the Help menu) goes to yav.com and checks to see if there is a more recent version of Email Magician and if there is, offers the option to download it or read about it.
Version 1.7 (May 10, 2002)
(minor bug fixes)
Version 1.6.8 (May 7, 2002)
*New* SpamDefs. Number of all types of Spam Filters has been increased.
*New* Personalities button automatically adds email addresses associated with existing Eudora personalities to the Valid Accounts list in the Special Filters wiindow (right hand panel).
*New* Sort button for the Valid Accounts list in the Special Filters wiindow (right hand panel).
Version 1.6.7 (April 18, 2002)
(minor bug fixes)
Version 1.6.6 (April 17, 2002)
*Changed* Small change of Spam preference behavior."Don't replace existing spam filters" changed to "Strip existing spam filters before adding new ones." Formerly, spam filters could be stripped whenever filters were written simply by unchecking the "Spam Filters" check box. If you need to strip all spam filters, choose that option from the Special menu prior to pressing the Accept button.
Version 1.6.5 (April 11, 2002)
*New* "Turbo" button in Registration dialog speeds up registration process by automatically creating the Reg Code request email in Eudora.
*Enhanced* Program now warns you about illogical configurations when you press the Accept button.
*Enhanced* Program now protects you from making nicknames longer than Eudora's 30 character maximum.
*Enhanced* Program now protects you from making most malformed addresses that you might import from Eudora.
Version 1.6.4 (April 9, 2002)
*Enhanced* Spam Filter Maker now checks for and repairs unacceptable user input that could confuse it (for example, strings longer than 63 characters on either side of a boolean operator).
*Enhanced* More status messages while "Accepting" filters.
*Changed* Mailbox names are now limited to 27 characters in length for backward compatibility to earlier versions of Eudora. This required removing the last word of the default name of the "EMM Invalid Accounts Messages" box. This also means the "Subject" filters are limited to 27 characters when auto-created, although they may be up to 63 characters if they are Spam filters.
*Changed* Removed confirmation dialog for writing nicknames (formerly, it was only omitted in "Expert" mode)
Version 1.6 (April 6, 2002)
*New* Over 250 new spam domains and characteristics, mainly courtesy of the SpamCon Foundation (www.spamcon.org)
*New* Added a "Valid Accounts Filter" option to the Special Filters window (open the latch at the upper right of the window to reveal this option). This filter will catch all mail that does not have one of your valid accounts in the "To:" or "Cc:" fields.
*New* Integrity check of preferences file at launch. If a corrupt prefs file is detected, it is copied to the "EMM Backups" folder and deleted from the System:Preferences folder. Then a new preferences file is created.
*New* It is now possible to set the Possible Spam box and Invalid Accounts box from the Locations menu.
*Enhanced* New screens added to the built-in tutorial.
*Enhanced* Unregistered users can now write 15 filters per 24-hour period (still one of each type of filter).
*Enhanced* Options for setting spam pre-filters and spam post-filters. These can be set independently for each spam FilterMaker window field by a button toggle. Note that the "Merge pre-filters and post-filters" setting of the preferences window over-rides these local settings.
*Enhanced* Merging of "SpamDefs" files. Old format files (without individual "pre" and "post" settings may be merged with new format files.
*Enhanced* Urgent filter and Special filters duplicates check and renumbering.
*Enhanced* New "Reset" button added to Revert dialog offers same functionality as the "Reset..." menu item, and also clicking on the "Revert" button with the command key.
*Changed* File format for SpamDefs (to reflect new individual "pre" and "post" settings). See the Spam Definitions documentation for more information about this change. Because old format files can be merged with new format files (but not the other way around), changes in the file format will not effect anyone who isn't manually editing their spamDefs files.
*Changed* Behavior of "EMM Spam (maybe)" filters that target the "EMM possible spam" mailbox. These are now only set to incoming filtering (manual filtering has been removed). This allows you to examine your "EMM possible spam" box and the select messages to manual filter (command-J) into their correct boxes. You may even want to "Select All" in this box and execute such a second stage command-J manual filtering.
*Changed* Special filters of the following types now take on the position setting of any new Special filters of the same type: HTML filters, PC File filters, Intersects Nicknames filters.
*Changed* Name of "Locations" menu changed to "Destinations"
Version 1.5.1 (March 2, 2002)
Version 1.5.1 improves spam and HTML filtering.
*New* Any spam filter can be designated to target an "EMM Possible Spam" box by prepending the word "possible" in parentheses -- (possible) -- to it's condition. These are identified in the filter list as "EMM Spam (maybe) filters"
*New* Where applicable, "EMM Spam (maybe) filters" are automatically placed before HTML filters.
*New* Some new spam definitions added.
*New* Extra confirmation for replacing existing filters
*Enhanced* All obscure email address formats now supported
*Changed* Main and Log windows no longer snap to an 8-pixel grid when dragged
*Changed* Default is no longer to merge spam pre-filters with spam post-filters. This required changing the order of the some of the default subject and body filter definitions on the left side of the Spam Filter Maker window.
*Changed* The number of spam pre-filter blocks has been increased to 3, while the number of spam post-filter blocks has been decreased to 1.
*Changed* Removed "@hotmail.com" from the spam domain list.
*Changed* Spam filters looking for phrases containing the word "click" in the body of messages now target the new "EMMpossibleSpam" mailbox.
Version 1.5 (February 27, 2002)
*New* 200 new spam filter conditions.
*New* Merging of spam filter definitions
*New* "Sanity Check" at launch makes sure all your EMM folders and boxes are where they should be
*Changed* Spam Leading Chars Filters renamed to Spam Start Chars Filters to facilitate display in Eudora (limited to 31 characters)
Version 1.4 (February 19, 2002)
*New* Export Mailboxes to FileMaker feature (including a "strip html" option).
*New* Upgrade System uses very tiny update files
*New* Registration System now supports EUROs
Version 1.3 (February 7, 2002)
*New* Spammer Address Collection feature including an AppleScript to trigger address collection while in Eudora and new preference settings; four new types of spam filters. Addresses are automatically collected from your spambox (or other box) and merged into an intersects nickname filter. Consolidation options allow the creation of 3 other spammer address filter types -- for example, spam domain filters.
*Enhanced* Preferences are used more effectively
*Enhanced* Speed of getting existing filters
*Enhanced* Speed of getting nicknames
*Enhanced* All Urgent filters now display in the Urgent Filter Info palette even in unregistered versions although unregistered versions still write only one of each type of filter.
*Enhanced* Tutorial Help -- to reflect new Spammer Address Collection feature as well as the TOC (Table Of Contents) feature that was introduced in version 1.2
*Changed* The keyboard shortcut for "Display Counts" it no longer command-/ (forward slash). It is now command-\ (back slash).
Version 1.2.1 (December 23, 2001)
*New* Email Magician will now quit Eudora when necessary rather than asking you to do so. There are two times this is necessary, pressing the "Accept" button on the main screen, and pressing the "Do it" button in the maintenance window.
*New* Compatibility with third-party accelerators that formerly were creating problems with the registration process.
*Changed* Default setting for HTML filters is now "Before “After All” filters"
Version 1.2 (December 21, 2001)
*New* "Special Filters" palette with new menu items. Includes options to generate filters for HTML messages, PC files of any type (such as "EXE" files, etc.), and creation of nicknames consisting of everyone in specified addressbooks (with corresponding filters and boxes), among others.
*New* Mailbox "Table of Contents" display (double-click on an existing mailbox name while pressing the option and command keys).
*New* Preferences file saved to disk so that upgrades etc. now completely restore the previous program state.
*New* Support for changing the display fonts (including support of two-byte fonts) as a global preference, and individually for the Spam Filter Maker and the Log window. Also, it is now possible to set the Log window font without first selecting any text.
*New* Six new revert options to the "Revert" window.
*New* Control of priority settings for Urgent Filters by way of new preferences settings.
*New* Control of duplicate filter check by way of "Strict," "Loose," and "Loosest" preferences settings.
*New* The "Open" option under the "File" menu will now open any text file into the Log window.
*New* Spam filters options to set to lowest priority, mark as read, and/or delete from server (see spam preferences).
*Improved* Unregistered versions may now write one of each type of filter per 24 hour period for a grand total of 13 filters per day (increased from one per day). All program features (except the right-hand side of the maintenance window) are now available to unregistered users.
*Improved* Program now remembers all settings between sessions.
*Improved* Program now remembers the states of the latches when "Remember window positions" is selected in the Preferences.
*Improved* Filters may now be created even if you've checked boxes on the "Special Handling" Preferences screen but forgot to insert any information in their fields.
*Improved* Gathering of nicknames in the "Current Nicknames" field and during the creation of Addressbook nicknames has been improved.
*Improved* Automatic deletion of duplicate filters now also deletes filters that are functionally identical even if they have different names, as well as filters that catch the same messages even when their target mailbox has been moved.
*Improved* Handling of logging edits to current and new filters.
*Improved* Expanded Tutorial and Tips.
*Improved* More spam definitions.
*Moved* Former keyboard shortcut for "Edit Spam Filters" (command-E) is now assigned to "Edit Special Filters." Former keyboard shortcut for "Save" (command-S) is now assigned to "Edit Spam Filters."
*Moved* The "! and $" filter settings have been moved to the new "Special Filters" palette and the number of options for this filter expanded.
*Moved* The "Transfer EXE attachments" filter (now renamed "PC file transfer") settings have been moved to the "Special Filters" palette and the number of options for this filter expanded.
*Changed* Defaults in preferences. Merging of spam filters (pre-filters and post-filters) is now the default.
Version 1.0.6 (November 8, 2001)
*Enhanced* The number of spam filters has been increased.
*Enhanced* Mail Folder aliases are now recognized. The alias should (of course) be inside your Eudora Folder and the alias should be named "Mail folder" however, the file that the alias points to can be named whatever you want and can reside anywhere, as can your Eudora Folder. Because of this enhancement, all parts of the program that deal with the mailbox folder have been slightly sped up.
*Enhanced* Spam filter options under the Special menu now function even when the Spam Filter Maker window is closed.
*Enhanced* Changing the header type match criteria by the Default button or menus now clears the Subject search text field.
Version 1.0.5 (November 6, 2001)
*New* There is a new "Statistics" window that many will find interesting (press command-8 to open it). Note that you can choose to have the statistics automatically update or not. People with very large Eudora folders may wish to keep that option unchecked, and use the "Update Now" button instead. There is more information in the Tips window about this under "Miscellaneous Notes." There are new menu options for this window as well as a button on the Maitenance screen to toggle its visibility. Note that the numbers for Unmodified Boxes and Empty Boxes as presented in the Statistics window will differ from those in the Maintenance window because the Maintenance window ignores the In, Out, Trash, and Urgent boxes, wherease the Statistics window includes these.
*Enhanced* Email Magician no longer cares if you have changed the name of your Eudora Settings file. If you have multiple settings files (with different names) in your Eudora folder, Email Magician will ask you which you wish to use if it needs that information.
*Enhanced* It is now possible to change the primary user (dominant personality) in the Preferences window ("Multiple Users" screen) by double-clicking a user name on the "Primary User List" while pressing the command key.
*Enhanced* Greatly sped up the usage of "Archive Boxes Unmodifed" and "Archive Empty Boxes" features, both of which are found on the Maintenance screen.
*New* You may now bypass the initial tutorial by holding down the command key during the launching process (you might use this, for example, if you already know how to use Email Magician).
*Enhanced* Building the list of existing mailboxes has been sped up significantly
Version 1.0.4 (November 1, 2001)
(minor bug fix)
Version 1.0.3 (November 1, 2001)
(minor bug fix)
Version 1.0.2 (October 31, 2001)
*Enhanced* Added more tips to the Tip window.
*Enhanced* Added a warning dialog to the "Archive Messages" option of the Maintenance window.
Version 1.0.1 (October 30, 2001)
*Enhanced* Sped up building list of current mailboxes.
*Enhanced* Sped up building previews of Urgent filters.
*Enhanced* Cosmetic change in HelpText field of Maintenance window. It now expands to accommodate longer mailbox names. In the previous version, some mailbox pathnames wrapped at the word "Mail" from "Mail Folder" if they were very long and this gave the wrong impression to users.
*Enhanced* Accuracy of the filter counts and mailbox counts fields greatly improved.
*Enhanced* If new filters target existing mailboxes, those boxes are no longer displayed in the new mailboxes field.
Version 1.0.0 (October 29, 2001)
Initial release
Many thanks to all the users who have reported anomalies in the behavior of Email Magician. A list of the fixes to reported problems, organized by version, is available at http://www.yav.com/EMM/fixes.html